Attorney Hriste "Chris" Stojanovski
Attorney Profile

I’m a Personal Injury Attorney based in the Seattle—Tacoma area. I opened H. Stojanovski, PLLC in 2010, and I’m proud of the representation I’ve provided my clients throughout the years. Starting your own firm is fraught with risk and not an easy decision for many attorneys, but I wouldn’t be the same fearless, tough, fighter for my clients if starting my own firm was too much of a challenge. I’m dedicated to protecting the rights of my injured clients while doing my best to maximize their financial recovery.
I come from a humble background. As my first and last name imply, my parents came to the United States as Eastern European immigrants. I’m a first-generation American born and raised in the Midwest; my family raised me to respect the value of hard work, and I give my clients my best efforts inside and outside of the courtroom.
For me, Integrity is not just another word; I value my reputation, my license to practice law, and the special Attorney-Client relationship too much to give my clients less than the best quality representation. To that end, I’ve worked hard over the years to be the best Washington Personal Injury Attorney I can be. I’m willing to work 7 days a week if the case calls for it because that’s the kind of dedication my clients deserve.
I’ve had a diverse clientele over the years from all walks of life and I enjoy being exposed to the different cultures and world experiences my clients bring through my door. In that way, I’m a lifelong student.
- Seattle University School of Law—Juris Doctor
- Wayne State University—Master of Arts in Political Science
- Wayne State University—Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
- Washington State Bar Association
- State Bar of Michigan
- United States District Court for the Western District of Washington