Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Injured in a Motorcycle accident? H. Stojanovski, PLLC is here to help injured victims of motorcycle crashes like you get the compensation you deserve. Motorcycle crashes are scary and the resulting injuries can be catastrophic and fatal given the inherent lack of protection a motorcycle offers its riders. With such high stakes, hiring an experienced accident lawyer is not a luxury but a necessity. Often, motorcycle insurance coverage is not as comprehensive as automobile insurance resulting in a gap between paid and unpaid medical bills. Even with proper insurance coverage, hiring an experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer is necessary to safeguard your rights and the value of your claim from third parties with their own attorneys.
If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident because of the negligence of someone else, contact my office for a FREE $0 consultation and case evaluation.
Motorcycle Accident Compensation
The amount of compensation you may recover from your motorcycle accident lawsuit depends on a lot of factors including the severity of your injuries. Compensation you may be entitled to includes among other things:
• Medical Bills
• Lost Wages (past and future)
• Property Damages
• Pain and Suffering
Comparative Negligence is an element in any potential Motorcycle Accident lawsuit to consider and may affect any recoverable compensation. Unfortunately, a certain percentage of people have a bias against the idea of safe motorcycle driving due to the reckless handling of motorcycles by a small percentage of owners speeding through traffic and zipping between cars at tight angles. As always when considering a potential injury lawsuit, consulting an experienced injury lawyer is essential. Contact my office now for a FREE $0 consultation and case evaluation.